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» »Unlabelled » Semarang

                The city of Semarang, the capital of Central Java province, Indonesia as well as the fifth largest metropolitan city in Indonesia after Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Medan.[citation needed] As one of the most developed in Java, Semarang city had a total population of nearly 2 million people. In fact, the Metropolitan Area Kedungsapur (Kendal, Demak Regency Semarang, Ungaran, Salatiga, Purwodadi Grobogan and) with a population of about 6 million people, the most populous Metropolis is the 4th, after other jobs (Jakarta), Gerbangkertosusilo (Surabaya), and Bandung Raya.[citation needed] In recent years, the development of Semarang is marked with the emergence of several skyscrapers in some corners of the city. Unfortunately, despite the population makes traffic jams in the city of Semarang is getting worse. City of Semarang was headed by Mayor Hendrar Prihadi, s. E, West. it is situated about 466 miles east of Jakarta, or 312 km west of Surabaya. A low-lying region in the city of semarang very narrow, which is approximately 4 kilometers of a coastline.Low-lying is known with s-worth city down.The area of the city under often hit by floods, and in some areas, this flood caused a surge of the sea water ( rob ).

            On the south side is tableland known as the city over, among which includes sub-district temple, mijen, gunungpati, tembalang and banyumanik.A growth center here as a center of activity and agglomerating inhabitant of appear to be a small town of new as in semarang the upper part of a growing regional banyumanik as a center of activity and agglomerating inhabitant of the city of semarang the upper part of a moderately dense make this area.A public facility and social support the activity of civilians in working or as a dwelling place also been fulfilled.Banyumanik be the centre of new growth in semarang the upper part, because of the emergence of agglomerating housing in this area.Anciently banyumanik only is the region ' s quiet habitation inhabitant of semarang who works in semarang under ( just as dormitory town ).But this time these areas become the center of activity and new growth in the city of semarang, with the support of road infrastructure.

            The history of semarang starts more or less moderati, in the 8th century namely coastal regions ( now being named pragota bergota ) and is part of ancient mataram kingdom.The area at that time is port and in front of him there was a chain of small islands.Due to a deposition, until now, is still underway are now forming reefs fused the mainland.Semarang lower part of town known rightnow thus aforetime was the sea.Pelabuhan was estimated within the market and elongated feathers now entered pelabuhan simongan, a fleet admiral cheng ho lean on years 1405 m.In place, pendaratannya admiral cheng ho kelenteng and build mosque who until now still visited and called kelenteng sam po kong ( gedung stone ).At the end of the 15th century moderati someone placed by royal demak, known as prince made pandanus sunan pandanaran , to propagate religion of the mohammedans

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