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» »Unlabelled » Monas

            Monumen National or Monas is a monument with height of 132 meters (433 feet). Monas was established to commemorate the resistan and the Indonesian’s struggle for independent from Dutch colonial rule. Construction of the monument began on August 17 1961 under the direction of President Soekarno. Monas was opened to the public on july 12 1975. Monas is crowned with flame sheet coated with gold wich symbolize the fighting spirit. Monas is located is located right in the center of merdeka square,Central Jakarta. Monas open everyday starting 8 AM to 15 PM.

            Monas is  an icon of the city. Located in downtown Jakarta, a tourist and educational center that appeals to residents of Jakarta and surrounding areas.  Monas is always crowded with tourists to see the beauty of the city from the top of the monument, adding insight into the history of Indonesia in the diorama room or enjoy the fresh urban forest area of ​​approximately 80 acres in downtown Jakarta. While the urban forest park area around the monument formerly known as Field Gambir.Then had changed its name several times into the Field Ikada, Merdeka Square,National Monument Square and then into Monument Park. Inside the monument there is a saucer-shaped amphitheater Hall of independence. This Chamber can be reached via the stairs turning in from the North and South sides. This room holds a symbol of statehood and independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The original manuscript of which Indonesia proclamation of independence which is stored in a glass box in gilded gate, the coat of arms of Indonesia, a map of the unitary State of Republic Indonesia gold-plated, and the red-white flag, and the written paper walls the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

            An elevator (lift) on the South side will take visitors to the top of the measuring 11 x 11 meters at an altitude of 115 metres above the ground. This Lift has a capacity of 11 people once carried. Of these peaks can accommodate about 50 people, and there is a pair of binoculars to see the panorama of Jakarta nearer. On the perimeter of the elevators there emergency stairs are made of iron. From the top of the monument national monument, visitors can enjoy views across the city of Jakarta. When the fine weather conditions without the smoke haze, in direction to the South is visible from the distance mount Salak in Bogor regency, West Java, North Sea runs off with small islands. At the peak of the national monument there is a cup that sustain lamp bronze weighing up to 14.5 tons of gold-coated and 35 Kilograms. This torch or flame height measuring 14 meters and a diameter of six metres consists of 77 parts are put together. This flame as a symbol of the spirit of the people's struggle in Indonesia who want to achieve independence. Initially the flame of this bronze coated sheets that weigh 35 kilos , but to welcome celebration of half a century (50 years) the independence of Indonesia in 1995, this gold sheet overlaid reworked so that weigh 50 pounds of sheet gold.

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