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» »Unlabelled » Japan

                Japan is an island nation in East Asia. It is located on the Western tip of the Pacific Ocean, Northeast Japan, and the neighbouring people's Republic of China, Korea, and Russia. The northernmost islands in the sea of Okhotsk, and the southernmost region is a group of small islands in the East China Sea, South of Okinawa which adjoined with Taiwan. Japan consists of 6,852 Islands, which was giving him as the island nation. The main islands from North to South are Hokkaido, Honshu (the largest island), Shikoku, and Kyūshū. About 97% of Japan's land area is in the fourth largest island. Most of the mountainous islands in Japan, and some of which is a volcano. The highest mountain in japan is mount fuji is a volcano.Inhabitant of japan total 128 million people and ranked 10th of most countries in the world.De facto capital in tokyo is the capital of japan. And domiciled as a prefecture.

            Tokyo Kingdom is a term for Tokyo and a number of cities in the surrounding Prefecture. As the largest metropolitan area in the world, Tokyo Kingdom of more than 30 million people. According to the traditional mythology, Japan was founded by Emperor Jimmu in 7th century BC Emperor Jimmu started a chain of monarchs of Japan uninterrupted until now. Despite that, throughout its history, for most of the actual power was in the hands of the Court, members of the shoguns, the military, and entered the modern era, in the hands of the Prime Minister. According to the Constitution in 1947, Japan Japan is the country a constitutional monarchy under the leadership of Emperor of Japan and Japan's Parliament. As advanced countries in the field of Economics,  Japan has the largest gross domestic product number two after the United States, and in the top three in purchasing power parity. Japan is a member of the United Nations, G8, OECD and APEC.

            Japan called Nihon or Nippon in Japan. Both these words are written with the same kanji, that日本  (literally: the origins of the Sun). The term Nippon is frequently used in official business, including the country name in Japan, stamps, money and international sporting events. While Nihon is used in contemporary speech. The word Nippon and Nihon mean "country/country of the rising sun '. This name is mentioned in the correspondence of Imperial Japan with the Sui dynasty in China, and refers to the position of Japan in the East of mainland China. Before Japan had relations with China, the country is known as Yamato (大和).

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