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» »Unlabelled » Cirebon

                The city of Cirebon is a city located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. It is situated on the North coast of Java or known as pantura which connects Jakarta-Semarang-Surabaya of Cirebon. The city of Cirebon is located at 6 41% u2032LU 108 u2032BT 33% North coast of Java Island, the eastern part of West Java, extends from West to East, North to 8 kilometres south of 11 kilometers with an elevation of the sea level 5 meters (including the lowlands). Cirebon city can be reached by road as far as 130 km from the city of Bandung and 258 km from the direction of the city of Jakarta. Cirebon city lies in a strategic location and movement of the node to be transportation between West Java and Central Java. It is located in the coastal areas have made the city of Cirebon to have wider Plains region compared to the hills. The town of Cirebon is 37,54 km2 with the domination of the land use for housing (32%) and agricultural land (38%).

            The municipality is bordered to the North of The Cirebon Kedung Pane, the West Flood Canal River limited, Cirebon district, South of the River is bounded to the East restricted Kalijaga, Java Sea. Much of the region is low-lying with elevations between 0-2000 above sea level, while the slope the slope between 0-40% where the 0-3% is an area of the city, berkarateristik 3-25% transmission area and 25-40% is a suburb. The city is traversed by several rivers including the river Kedung Pane, Sukalila River, Kesunean River, and the river Kalijaga. The city of Cirebon area including tropical climate, abundance of rainfall 1.351 mm per year with rainy days 86 days. Air humidity ranging between 48-93% with the highest humidity occurs in January-March and the lowest numbers occurred in June-August. The average annual rainfall in the city of Cirebon 2260 mm/year with the number of rainy days 155 days. Climate classification based on Schmidt-Ferguson, climate in the town of Cirebon in climate type C with a value of Q is 37.5% (a percentage between dry and wet Moon). Rainy season falls in the month of October to April, and a dry season falls in the months of June-September.

            Cirebon is known by the name Of Shrimps [2] and the city's Mayor. In addition the city of Cirebon, also known as Caruban Nagari (markers of Mount Cereme) [3] and the five (Country Gede in Javanese means Kingdom of cirebon area).[4] as a regional meeting of Javanese culture and Sundanese since several centuries ago, people used to use two languages of Cirebon, Sundanese and Javanese. The name derives from the word Caruban Cirebon, [5] in the Sundanese language meaning a mixture (due to the culture of Cirebon culture is a mixture of Javanese, Sundanese, Chinese, and Arabic cultural elements) or it could be derived from the Ci which means water or river and Rebon which means shrimp in Sundanese language (because the shrimp is one of the fishing Towns of Cirebon results). 

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