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» »Unlabelled » Balikpapan

              Balikpapan is a city in East Kalimantan (Kalimantan Timur), Indonesia. Balikpapan has a population of around 678.969 inhabitants, which is 22% of the total population of Kalimantan Timur. Balikpapan is a city with the most expensive cost of living se-Indonesia. the logos of the city often called oil city (Banua Patra) and Earth Manuntung is honey bear, the mascot of Balikpapan which began on the brink of extinction. The original name of Balikpapan is Billipapan or Balikkappan. The region of balikpapan and balikpapan the opposite side ( penajam ) is part of a region of country dependent a sultanate kutai. in 1942 penajam was included in Balikpapan teritorial.

            Since around the year 1636, Kalimantan in General including the State State of Kutai and Berau State Paser claimed as territory of the country of the mandala of Banjarmasin. on August 13, 1787, Sunan Nata Alam had surrendered its sovereignty over large parts of Borneo to the VOC company, which was then updated again on May 4, 1826 in the Sultan Adam. After that Kalimantan generally becomes the country Netherlands East Indies. In 1844, the former State of Kutai officially recognition as dependencies in the Netherlands Indies State.[20] according to the Staatsblad van Nederlandisch Indi in 1849, Kutai belongs in zuid-ooster afdeeling upon B-sluit van den Minister van Staat, Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indie, on 27 August 1849, no. 8 [21] in 1855, Kootenay is part of de zuid-en oosterafdeeling van Borneo which is centred in Banjarmasin. With the discovery of oil resources in the area of Balikpapan and the surrounding area (Sanga-Sanga, Samboja and Muara Badak), Netherlands Indies Government ultimately purchased the area from the Sultan of Kutai Kertanegara and built to support mining efforts especially of petroleum oil refineries, by establishing the Office of operations and employee housing (the remains of the Netherlands Indies development efforts can be seen from the staff of the Pertamina). The petroleum activity also helped shift residents mainly workers from Java, as well as from different regions. As it known oil companies is BPM, Shell and KPM. Regions of Balikpapan in the 1930s included Balikpapan Opposite (Penajam).

            During the second world war, japan targeting this area as a springboard carrying out the attacks to java.On the january 23 1942, the japanese fleet under the guidance shizuo sakaguchi seize balikpapan of hand allied forces and east indies netherlands.24 25 region balikpapan that moment covering balikpapan the opposite side ( penajam ).26 strategic value city of balikpapan also reckoned the allied armies, in 1945 the allied armies under the command australia seize this city out of japanese hands on the battle juni-15 26 july 1945- attempt in recaptured the area falling into japanese hands. The news of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia is a bit late to this town, circa 1945-1946 through workers coming from Java BPM in the framework of the rehabilitation of the oil refinery destroyed by a war that continued with the statement of the people in the field FONI. But because the Netherlands intend to reconquer the city then fought a battle that continued until the battle of Sangatta. At the time of recognition of sovereignty in 1949, the area was turned over to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia States that continued to the Republic of Indonesia.

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